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found in Everything else in Taif Saudi Arabia
1 day ago
Experts in security and safety systems Different types of harmful organisms Experts in implementing firefighting and automatic sprinkler networks Implementation of FM200 CO2, FIR gas protection systems Planning models and building plans Supply and installation of equipment throughout the Kingdom A specialized technical team for periodic maintenance contracts
1 day ago
The Best Accounting Software in the Market Smart Data Integrated
2 days ago
American caravan is available for rent with the latest model car is available All details in sections and pictures for communication and inquiries
5 days ago
Installation safety systems firefighting. fire alarm control panel. duct. chilled water. compressed air. kitchen hood. fm 200 rooms According to shop drawings and consolidation
6 days ago
Wholesale offers for bags and shoes at a price of 120 riyals. To order, WhatsApp. Offres de vente en gros de sacs et de chaussures au prix de 120 riyals. Pour commander
8 days ago
Peace be upon you, a private plate for sale ( S D E 222) Final price 10000 thousand
9 days ago
Shabas frying, insults, sketches of bakery in new ones, and the uses of the users, add
12 days ago
Kneading machine for sale, negotiable. Other equipment available such as freezers, display refrigerators, hot stainless steel, ice cream machine, Yemeni pie grill
14 days ago
A bucket for daily and monthly rent. It is characterized by its good performance. It works in narrow spaces and is fast at work
15 days ago
Buy used iron and wood, hangar, tubes, rubble of popular houses, Jawi, in cash, doors, windows, tanks, nets, halal items, nets, doors, and shutters
18 days ago
Installation of all types of surveillance cameras (Hikvision - Samsung - Dahua) Viewing cameras via mobile phone + the presence of wireless cameras without wires with the issuance of a civil defense certificate at an unprecedented competitive price and two - year support and an operation warranty
18 days ago
An online store with a delivery application and a control panel like the Salla platform, but this is a complete platform that is private to you and your data is with you and easy to use and both are available with a subscription or a one - time purchase with the code
26 days ago
Available as a product in large quantities (fiberglass is a single - mix fiberglass cut from type E glass and coated with VT silicone paint to improve the properties of the mixture and cut into lengths of 6, 12, 15, 18, 24 mm. It is a short, alkali - resistant fiber mixed with mash and mortar to prevent Cracks occur, as well as mixing with epoxy, polyurethane, and other resin compounds, which do not
57 days ago
Building stone ovens pizza ovens grills stone grills restaurant contractor
1 hour ago
للبيع سماد طبيعي صلب عبارة عن فحم حيوي بيولوجي منشط مصنوع من بقايا أشجار النخيل وسماد الدواجن ومنشط بسماد سائل من شاي الكم بوست يحوي البكتريا النافعة والأحماض الأمينية ويعزز نمو الجذور ويحفظ الرطوبة ويوفر في المياه والاسمدة وذلك لاحتوائه على شبكة كهوف مترا بطة تعمل كمستودعات لتخزين المياه والاسمدة وهو بيئة ملائمة لنمو وتكاثر الميكروبات النافعة - مصنوع في المملكة العربية السعودية للتواصل
16 hours ago
برنامج كاشير ومحاسبة للمطاعم والمتاجر - بديل مثالي لفودكس بوس هاي هل تبحث عن أفضل برنامج كاشير ومحاسبة للمطاعم والمتاجر يعمل على جميع الأجهزة وأنظمة التشغيل بوس هاي هو الحل الأمثل لإدارة مبيعاتك ومخزونك بسهولة ودقة، ويعد بديلا قويا لبرنامج فودكس مميزات برنامج بوس هاي متوافق مع هيئة الزكاة والضريبة والجمارك يعمل على جميع الأجهزة (كمبيوتر - تابلت - جوال) وأنظمة التشغيل (ويندوز - ماك - اندرويد - iOS)
18 hours ago
بيعة سماعات بلوتوث مشكلة جيروم ووزيرو سبيس 65 حبة بسعر تفصيه 4 ريال البيع سكر في مويه السماعات جديدة ولم تفك مغلفه
1 day ago
شوكولاته بلجيكي سعر منافس وجودة عالية مكشوف ومغلف 72 ريال
Civil Engineer Job Search Announcement I am a Bachelor’s degree engineer with 7 years of experience in structural engineering and project management within the United Arab Emirates. I specialize in professional service pricing for projects with meticulously calculated details. Additionally, I manage and supervise projects of various types, ensuring diverse and competitive readiness to deliver services
A woman director of human resources and administrative affairs with long experience in the country. She graduated with a master’s degree. She is proficient in management, supervision, follow - up, and the supply of professional and technical workers of all categories. She is fluent in languages